Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Martyn Currill

Today I am so excited to introduce you to Martyn Currill! Be sure to check out his interview, author bio, and author links below!

Tell me more about yourself:
A question that always gets me! Where do I start...well, I’ve lived in England most of my life, after my parents moved back here when my dad left the Army. I love Sci-fi and fantasy, and I’m a big fan of heavy, powerful instrumental music – great stuff to write to!

How many books have you written:
I’ve written three, but published two. The third in that series needs some editing and re-writing.

What inspired you to first start writing?
Wow, that’s going back...um, I’d have to say it began as an outlet. I’d always had a big imagination – like most writers, I expect, but when I was younger that came out through playing with toys. As I got older and I moved on from toys and action figures, that imagination needed a new outlet, and concocting stories filled that need perfectly!

What is your writing kryptonite?
Videogames! I’m a keen gamer among other things, and they can inspire ideas like anything else...but sometimes they drag me in too much!

What is the best way to market your book?
I’m very bad at this bit, but social media is certainly invaluable for reaching huge audiences.

What is your favorite unappreciated novel?
The Dahak trilogy, by David Weber. An excellent author, who inspired me in the past, and sone brilliant ideas in those three books.

What was the hardest scene you've ever had to write? 
There was a death scene – not wanting to give spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read my book yet – but it was a character I loved, who was great to write and had so much potential, but their death was key to the events of the book. It hurt, I tell you!

What tips do you have for aspiring authors? 
The two best bits I’ve come across: ignore the advice. Basically, forget what everyone else says is the way to write, and write YOUR way. You’ll be more comfortable and thus more productive. And, the one attributed to every author – write the book you want to read. That’s what I did.

How many hours a day do you write?
It depends. As many as I can, which can be anywhere between 1 and 5, deoending on whether or not I hit a stride.

What are you currently working on? 
A high fantasy novel, and the third of my vampire series.

Can you share an excerpt with us? 
The scholar jumped again as an arrow erupted from Drisca's throat, and she dropped to her knees with a gurgle, her eyes wide with shock. As soon as she was struck, Nols was up again and clenching his small weapon, looking around in panic for his boss' assailant. Even as the scholar watched, it seemed as though a shadow came to life and lashed out with something dark and glinting, and blood sprayed out from the back of Nols' legs as something severed his hamstrings. He collapsed with a shout of pain, but only briefly – that same glinting darkness lanced downward, puncturing his eye and ending his cries.

Before you go, is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Yes, my two published books are currently available on Amazon Kindle and feedaread.com, and the first is now also available on Kobo and assorted other ebook sites. Anyone wanting to reach me can do so @Maliceunchained on Twitter, or at mcurrill@yahoo.com for email. I’m also (begrudgingly) on facebook!

About the Author:

Martyn Currill is 34 years old, and lives with his fiancée, daughter, and their German Shepherd in Merseyside, England, where he spends most of his time coming up with entertaining lies. He can be found on Twitter, @MaliceUnchained (don't ask), or by email at mcurrill@yahoo.com.

A Life In Blood (book 1) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01M5LFJGN
Of Angel's Blood (book 2) - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B073DKG8FC

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